Falconeye.lk makes every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for our buyers. We are committed to providing our buyers with high-quality products at affordable prices.

Product Delivery Product keys are currently delivered via email only. After your purchase has been approved, we will process your order. Orders are typically processed within one (1) hour but could take as long as twenty-four (24) hours to deliver. Once your order is complete, we will send you a confirmation email with your product key to the email address you provided on our order form.

If you have any issues with your product key or require further assistance, our customer service team is here to help.

Refunds will not be issued in the following cases:

  1. The buyer places the wrong order without reading the complete product description and the product key has already been delivered via email.
  2. The buyer fails to download the software file due to a poor internet connection.
  3. The buyer fails to download and install the software due to a lack of technical knowledge.
  4. If the product key fails to activate on the buyer’s computer system, falconeye.lk will issue a new product key via email within a given time period. The buyer must send a full-screen screenshot that includes the error window, current date, and time to info@falconeye.lk.
  5. Buyers have only 15 days from the date of purchase to inform us regarding product key activation failure. After 15 days from the date of purchase, no new product key will be issued under any circumstances.
  6. For third-party domain Office 365 accounts – no refund will be issued for forgotten passwords after the first password change.

Phone method Activation for Microsoft Office activation 

    • if you have used a cracked tool for office activation previously in your pc. please use Microsoft’s support tool and clean it. then request again. . if you request with the cracked license your key will be blocked by Microsoft. We do not provide any warranty or refund in this case, for more information: 0770029675
    • office 2019 pro plus  – phone method – Activation onetime only 
    • phone method activation keys reactivate minimum 2 times in the same device, we do not provide any support or replacement key for your any more reactivation
    • after 3 months, we do not provide any warranty or refund for pre-activated software and tools
    • Refund in the below cases:
    • Refund will be issued if falconeye.lk fails to deliver the Product Key through email then an Automatic Refund is processed.
    • Refund Time
    • It may take up to 1-3 business days to initiate the refund. Once the refund is processed it will take 2-14 business days depending on the buyers bank or service provider to get the refund amount transfer to their Payment Source (Credit/Debit Card, Bank Account or Wallet) through which the payment was made.